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    Spanish Tax Residents. From 720. Fines and presentation. Is it ILLEGAL?

    FROM the year 2013, both Spanish and foreign nationals who had fixed their fiscal residence in Spain and and owned or had rights to property located abroad which exceeded €50,000 when valued together, had to submit a 720 form annually to the Tax Agency. Assets or rights abroad had to be declared in detail, including […]

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    BREXIT: How can British residents in Spain prepare themselves? Important documents.

    Question : Dear lawyer, BREXIT is getting closer and closer. We are a married couple and British national residents who have been in Spain for 10 years and would like to know what we should do and how we can apply for permission to live and, if needed, work in Spain. We have a property […]

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    Brexit and its legal consequences for expatriates in Spain. Do not panic.

    In this week’s article, we need to talk about the Brexit and how it can affect the British expats living in Spain. First of all, we want to send all the expats a message of calm and support.   Do not panic, nothing has happened. Although the favorable vote to the Brexit is a historical […]

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