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Planning Applications

It is understood by planning permission the license granted by the Town Hall by means of an administrative act authorizing us to carry out the relevant works or improvement on our property.

Depending on the complexity of construction, the License that we should apply for will be considered as Minor or Mayor Works:

MAJOR BUILDING WORKS: These are the new construction, extension and improvement, maintenance and demolition that affects the structure of the building, cover and/or building facade, roof, foundation, etc. with some exceptions.
The application of this License shall be accompanied by a technical project signed by a qualified architect and certified by the competent professional collage (architect’s bar).

MINOR BUILDING WORKS: These are considered as minor building works, the construction of no technical difficulty, as well as low value and cost, which normally consist in few drainage works, landscaping, decorating or enclosure.

The documentation to be provided in order to apply for the planning permission will depend on the Local Rules ( Ordenanzas) approved by each Town Hall, although normally it is required a report with a descriptiohn of the works to be done, the breakdown of the total cost involved in the construction included VAT, plans of the current situation of the property, and other formalities such as the identification of the owner of the property, etc.

Each Town Hall may establish the municipal-local taxes to be paid for the works, as per the R.D. L. 2 / 2004 of 5 March, taking into account the value and budget of the new construction or works to be done, being the tax a percentage that each Town Hall will approve.

Our firm together with your architect or our collaborators, will be able to assist you in the Building Works applications and also in the legal issues and matters arisen from them.

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