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Spanish Tax for Non Residents: Non Residents Income Tax, Local Rates Council Tax IBI, Capital Gains Tax, etc

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    Capital Gains Tax CGT. Reinvestment in another habitual main residence ( home) in the European Union EU.

    I am fiscal tax Resident in Spain and I have sold my habitual residence here; with the monies from this sale I intend to acquire another property but outside of Spain. I understand that if I was to reinvest the monies on a property in Spain I would not have to pay Capital Gain Tax […]

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    This week I make no apology for reproducing an article written by my good friend and one of the best tax lawyers whom I have ever met, Mr Jose Maria Garcia Guirao from Garrigues Alicante. This article is specifically aimed at professionals and business persons who are VAT tax payers who will appreciate the main […]

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    Taxes in Spain: General issues and things to bear in mind.

    Dear readers, Our firm has recently noticed an increase in the amount of cases dealing with the initiation of disciplinary penalty procedures and revisions of taxes by the tax authorities at different levels: Conselleria of Economy Finance and Employment of the Community of Valencia (regional level) and also by Hacienda (national level). In this sense, […]

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