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Clausula suelo: Mortgage floor rate clause ( minimum interest clause). It is legal?. How to claim against Spanish bank for interests charged back.

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    Claim expenses paid for your mortgage loan with no additional cost. Extension of the special competence Court 5-bis of Alicante.

    AS expected, the General Council of the Judiciary has extended the special competence of the courts dealing with abusive clauses of mortgage loans during the year 2020 and in the case of Alicante Province and this special court is number 5-bis of Alicante City. White Baos Abogados has helped dozens of those affected to successfully […]

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    Claim against the IRPH. Mortgages in Spain. Conclusions of the Advocate General.

    ON September 10, the much awaited conclusions of the Advocate General Mr. Szpunar regarding Case C125-18 that had been presented to the Court of Justice of the European Union CJEU, in respect of a mortgage finalised in Spain using the IRPH interest rate to calculate the amount to be charged were published.   As we […]

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    Do you have a mortgage loan in Spain referenced to the IRPH instead of the Euribor? IF so, prepare to claim.

    MANY people have or have had their mortgage loan in Spain linked to an interest rate different to Euribor (which is the most common rate). Until 2013 however, there were many loans known as IRPH DE BANCOS, or IRPH DE CAJAS DE AHORROS, which in reality were the average rate of mortgage loans for more […]

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