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OTHER SERVICES: Certifications/Legalisation/Oaths and Swearing Affidavits, apostille, NIE number, etc.

At White Baos Abogados, we help both our clients and legal practices located outside Spain, with a wide range of diverse legal and professional services, ranging from the preparation of certificates or affidavits of Spanish law to application and accreditation before foreign authorities and courts.

We can obtain an apostille for Spanish documents (notarial deeds, judicial decisions, etc.) and give advice on tax procedures for reviewing declared values ​​in real estate transactions: purchases, inheritances as well as advice on Income Tax for Non-Residents, etc.

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The new Spanish Royal Decree-Law number 13/2011 (Real Decreto-ley RDL 13/2011) was approved on 16 September 2011. This new Decree Law modifies the Wealth Tax Law number 19/1991 of June 6th and restores the temporary obligation to pay once again the previously abolished Wealth Tax. This means that after only few years of 100% tax […]

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COMPLEMENTARY TAX. PROPERTY REVALUATIONS. Revision of the declared value of a property on the Deed.

Dear readers, As you may recall we have in previous articles advised about the reviews being carried out by the Tax office in order to ask for complimentary 7% tax liquidation in those cases where they believe the declared value for your property on the Deed, to be below the market value as per the […]

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Capital Gains Tax CGT. Reinvestment in another habitual main residence ( home) in the European Union EU.

I am fiscal tax Resident in Spain and I have sold my habitual residence here; with the monies from this sale I intend to acquire another property but outside of Spain. I understand that if I was to reinvest the monies on a property in Spain I would not have to pay Capital Gain Tax […]

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