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Clausula suelo: Mortgage floor rate clause ( minimum interest clause). It is legal?. How to claim against Spanish bank for interests charged back.

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    Clause Floor: The European Court of Justice obliges Spanish banks to pay from the beginning of the mortgage.

    The judgment of the European Court of Justice ( ECJ) of 21 December 2016 (EDJ 2016/226005), could cost the Spanish banks about   € 3,000 to € 5,000 millions, depending on the number of affected consumers who finally claim for their rights, and for the nullity of their mortgage floor – suelo or limitation to the […]

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    Suelo Floor Mortgage Clause. New success at Denia courts.

    Today again we would like to talk about  a new judgment ruled in favour of a client we represent, in which the Court of First Instance Number 3 in Denia, has been charged for:   Anullment of a clause in the mortgage loan deed drafted by the bank, in which the stated delay interest was […]

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    Mortgages in Spain: The correct amount to claim for on floor ( suelo ) mortgage clauses.

    We have helped many people who have suffered financial loss through floor rate mortgage clauses. These clauses limit the variability of the mortgage loan interest, and with our help these clients have been compensated and recovered the interests overpaid. However, we have noticed that offers made by the banks, as well as the claims presented […]

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