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Divorce in Spain: Spanish and English Law

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    SHARED JOINT CUSTODY? How can affect you the future legal changes in Spanish Family Law?

    As many of you already know, it has been published a draft bill regarding the modification of the Spanish Civil Code, which mainly affects to Family Law: divorce, separation, marriage, nullity or annulment of the marriage, etc. One of the areas expected to be changed, is the regulation of the custody of the minor children. […]

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    Prenuptial agreement in Spain.

    SPANISH FAMILY LAW: The Joint Custody Valencian Law ¿Is it applicable to Spanish national children born of a foreign mother?

    Dear Lawyers, I am British and I live in Spain. I have a son (under legal age) and his father is Spanish. My son was born and lives in Denia, Alicante , and has Spanish and British nationality. As far as I know in the Valencian Community the law states that for Valencian citizens the […]

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    Spanish Family Law: Petition of modification of custody due to a breach of the visitation regime agreed in a divorce.

    CONSULTATION: My wife and I divorced in Spain under the English law of our nationality. She has the custody of our young children ( minors), and they live in Spain. I live in England. My wife does not comply with the visitation regime and she does not let me talk on the phone, or be […]

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