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OTHER SERVICES: Certifications/Legalisation/Oaths and Swearing Affidavits, apostille, NIE number, etc.

At White Baos Abogados, we help both our clients and legal practices located outside Spain, with a wide range of diverse legal and professional services, ranging from the preparation of certificates or affidavits of Spanish law to application and accreditation before foreign authorities and courts.

We can obtain an apostille for Spanish documents (notarial deeds, judicial decisions, etc.) and give advice on tax procedures for reviewing declared values ​​in real estate transactions: purchases, inheritances as well as advice on Income Tax for Non-Residents, etc.

Latest Articles and Real Cases Related

In this section we publish legal articles and real court cases of your law firm. Consult your doubts in our database

Buying a commercial property: determining the taxes payable.

We want to buy a restaurant in Alicante from its current owners, and have received contradictory information about the taxes to be paid for the purchase. Could you please confirm what taxes we should pay and how we should do it?Dear reader, thank you for your enquiry. When buying commercial premises in Spain with a […]

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Extra 7% Transfer Tax to be paid. Revision of the declared value of the property

I purchased a property on the 15th of March 2008 in Javea, Alicante, for a price of 150.000€ (as stated on the Notary’s Deed). The Tax Authorities have sent me a penalty notice as they consider that the real/true value of the property was 213.000€. I am now being asked to pay 7% transfer tax […]

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Taxes in Spain: General issues and things to bear in mind.

Dear readers, Our firm has recently noticed an increase in the amount of cases dealing with the initiation of disciplinary penalty procedures and revisions of taxes by the tax authorities at different levels: Conselleria of Economy Finance and Employment of the Community of Valencia (regional level) and also by Hacienda (national level). In this sense, […]

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