DACION EN PAGO: handing back the keys and the property to the bank in settlement of the mortgage loan.

Dear Sirs. We are a British couple and we purchased a property in Oliva (between Alicante and Valencia) 5 years ago. The exchange rate together with the economic crisis that affects both the UK and Spain mean that we can no longer afford the mortgage. The Spanish bank is not prepared to accept the house […]

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Declaración de incapacidad en España.

Debt collection in Spain

In times of financial crisis such as now we find that consultations about legal proceedings for debt collection /recovery at professional offices and Law firms are becoming more and more frequent. This week we would like to provide some concepts and a basic explanation about the different legal procedures for debt collection in Spain. It […]

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Buying a commercial property: determining the taxes payable.

We want to buy a restaurant in Alicante from its current owners, and have received contradictory information about the taxes to be paid for the purchase. Could you please confirm what taxes we should pay and how we should do it?Dear reader, thank you for your enquiry. When buying commercial premises in Spain with a […]

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