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    REAL ESTATE LAW IN SPAIN: Is your property registered at the Catastro as well as the Registro? Who cares? Here’s a simple way to find out and why it pays to do so.

    In this article we will talk about Real Estate Law in Spain and how most people are surprised to learn that Spain has two property registration systems that co-exist side by side. This means that a property is registered (or at least should be) in two different places, each one holding different information about the […]

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    SPANISH REAL ESTATE LAW (CONVEYANCING) PURCHASE AND SALE OF A PROPERTY IN SPAIN. The need to prove the payment of MUNICIPAL PLUSVALIA in order to register a Purchase Deed in the Land Registry.

    Dear Readers, With regard to Spanish Real Estate Law and in particular buying and selling properties in Spain, you should know that there have been some changes in the law in 2013. Among other new rules, we would like to highlight Law 16/2012 of December 27th , which has modified the Article 254 of the […]

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    Spanish Real Estate Lawyer solicitor: Conveyancing: buying and selling in Spain. Tax legal advantages of buying a new property in Spain during 2012.

    CONSULTATION Dear Sirs,I have some savings and I understand that is a good time to buy new properties and homes in Spain, as it seems there are many legal and tax advantages, and also I have been told that if part of the money is paid in cash, I will pay less taxes. Is this […]

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